Join Chapter 20

Full Membership

A person may apply for Full Chapter membership subject to their being, and remaining, a member of the SAAA.  Use the Membership Application Form link at the base of this page. Full Chapter members do not pay their membership fee directly to the Chapter – the current annual Chapter membership fee due by each full member is part of the annual SAAA subscription and is passed on to the Chapter by SAAA.

Social Members

Persons in the following categories: Spouse, partner, child or ward of a Full Chapter Member / member of Recreational Aviation Australia Inc / Pensioner or Senior Citizen (65 and over) may apply for Social membership of the Chapter. Social members are not members of the SAAA and have no voting rights within Chapter 20 but are entitled to participate in all other Chapter activities.  The current fee is $20 pa.  If applying to join part way through the year, then, to simplify administration, the first year membership period and fee is adjusted so that all renewals are due at the end of June.

Social membership pro-rata fees:

12 months – $20.00 8 months – $13.35 4 months – $6.65
11 months – $18.35 7 months – $11.65 3 months – $5.00
10 months – $16.65 6 months – $10.00 2 months – $3.35
9 months – $15.00 5 months – $8.35 1 month – $1.65

Membership Form

To apply to join the Chapter, download,  print and complete the membership application form.  Mail it to the address on the form. If the application is for Social membership attach also a cheque for the amount as determined from the above table.

Chapter 20 Membership Application Form

The membership application form is a PDF document and requires Adobe Reader.
